
Absence Due to Illness or Injury

学生可以要求学生行为和护理服务办公室在因受伤或疾病而长时间缺课之前或期间通知教职员工. 此通知不构成旷课理由. 它会告诉老师学生缺席的原因.

在严重受伤或长期疾病的情况下, 学生的家长或法定监护人应立即与导师联系, 亲自或通过电话. 视情况而定, 学校将对学生的入学状况作出决定.

Absence Due to University-Sponsored Activities

Students planning to be absent because of university-sponsored activities should present a properly completed 请假单 给他们的导师 在缺席之前.


机构政策(参阅人力资源政策及程序手册2).7) with regard to students with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) follows the general guidelines of the American College Health Association. Students with HIV infection are encouraged to inform campus health providers so that the institution may provide them proper medical care, 咨询, 支援服务及教育. All medical information will be handled in a strictly confidential manner in accordance with procedures and requirements in effect at Lamar.

Bereavement Leave

如果学生的直系亲属死亡,学生将获得紧急休假. Immediate family is defined within this section as the student's spouse or the student's or spouse's parent, 哥哥, 妹妹, 祖父母, 子女或孙辈. 请假必须以书面形式提出,并附上适当的文件(如.g., 负责学生事务和战略计划的副校长的讣告, 如果休假被批准, 会通知每个学生的导师吗. 休假一般不得超过三天. Requests in excess of three days must be justified and approved by the Vice President for 学生事务及策略措施. A full three days is not automatically granted since it is intended that such leave be limited to the reasonable amount of time needed for travel, 葬礼的安排, 丧葬服务及在丧亲期间照顾其他家庭成员. 因已批准的丧亲假而缺课的,将作为缺课理由, 学生应该被允许补课. 除了, 任何错过的课程或大学截止日期将被推迟一段适当的时间,从假期结束后的第一次班会开始. 给学生导师的书面通知必须包含一份请求副本(带文件)以及正确补课的提醒.

Disability Non-Discrimination

十大电子游艺网站排行在招收和录取学生或任何课程和活动的运作中不会歧视残疾学生,并准备为这些学生提供合理的便利. The designated coordinator for compliance with section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is the Director of the 无障碍资源中心.

关于听力受损的额外信息, 视力受损的, 学习有障碍的学生, 或其他残疾可致电409-880-8347获得, 发邮件 arc@itnasa.net, 或访问 通讯大楼105室.

Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act

十大电子游艺网站排行 is committed to providing a healthy and safe learning environment for all students and employees. The institution has established procedures to advise members of the university community on the consequences of drug/alcohol use, 管有及分配. 另外, 十大电子游艺网站排行 is committed to providing important information on available sub-stance abuse 咨询, 治疗, 康复或重返社会计划.

这本手册和其他大学出版物的重要部分清楚地表明十大电子游艺网站排行承诺遵守Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act.

Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (Buckley Amendment)

1974年的《电子艺游网投官方网站》规定,以前和现在注册的学生都有权查阅包含与这些人直接有关的信息的教育记录, 以及质疑这些记录准确性的权利.

The act also restricts persons to whom the university may disclose a student's educational records without the student's written permission. 十大电子游艺网站排行的政策是完全遵守该法案的所有规定.

FERPA权利在死亡时终止. It is the policy of 十大电子游艺网站排行 that no records of deceased students be re租赁 after the date of death, 除非死者的遗产执行人或其近亲特别授权.

Food Sales On Campus

All food sales on campus are limited to registered student organizations and will be subject to the following regulations:

  1. All food sales events must be approved by the faculty/工作人员 advisors and by the president of the organization.
  2. A facilities form must be completed and submitted to the reservations office of the 塞泽尔学生中心 at least two weeks in advance of the event.
  3. A copy of a health department permit must be returned to the reservations office before confirmation of the facility is made.
  4. 销售食品必须符合市和国家有关食品配制和销售的规定. 说明和详细说明可向预订处索取.
  5. The organization responsible for selling food at an event also must accept the responsibility for any illnesses that may occur from consumption of food sold.


德克萨斯州参议院第1107号法案要求所有在高等院校参加校园课程的22岁以下的新生要么接受细菌性脑膜炎疫苗接种,要么在学期的第一天之前达到拒绝接种疫苗的特定标准. The requirement also applies to returning students under age 22 who were not enrolled in the previous long semester.

所有年龄在22岁以下的十大电子游艺网站排行新生或返校学生,如果没有在上一个长学期注册,必须提供细菌性脑膜炎疫苗接种证明,或通过列出的五种方法之一提供豁免证明 招生网站.

The law states that students who do not qualify for an exemption must be immunized no later than 10 days prior to the first class day. 这种疫苗的有效期为五年. 确保你的还没有过期. 为了按时注册,现在就采取行动吧.

Policy on Intellectual Property

德克萨斯州立大学系统董事会通过了与十大电子游艺网站排行(以及该系统的其他机构)雇用的人员和/或使用机构设施和资源的任何人有关的专利和版权的政策. 参见附录D 教师手册 对于专利和版权政策

Sexual Harassment

这是学校的规定,没有教职员工, 学生或承包商, 可以Sexual Harassment校园内的任何客人或访客或大学社区的任何成员, 包括教师, 工作人员, 和学生. 无论是在校园内还是校外十大电子游艺网站排行的项目中,都不能容忍这种行为. 任何教师, 员工或学生违反此政策将受到纪律处分.

教师, 工作人员, 大学的学生和客人认为他们受到了Sexual Harassment或意识到可能的Sexual Harassment事件,他们有权并被鼓励通过大学支持的非正式或正式程序寻求解决方案.

任何人如认为自己受到Sexual Harassment,应在事件发生后尽快以书面向下列任何一间机构举报有关行为:

  1. The academic or administrative official responsible for the area in which the incident took place;
  2. The immediate supervisor of the alleged harasser or the next higher management level if the person is an employee;
  3. The Vice President for 学生事务及策略措施 if the person making the report or the alleged harasser is a student;
  4. 人力资源部,880-8375.

Smoke-Free Workplace

十大电子游艺网站排行承认其对学生身体健康的承诺, 教职员工. Smoking is prohibited at all times in all university facilities and vehicles unless otherwise designated.

Student Identification

红衣主教一号卡是发给十大电子游艺网站排行的学生的,有双重用途:作为Student Identification证明(ID)和作为支付学生经济援助的借记卡. 如果发现学生/非学生滥用学生证用于识别身份, 警察或其他适当的大学人员可能会没收该卡,学生可能会受到学生行为和照顾服务办公室的纪律处分. 滥用学生证的行为包括但不限于:使用学生证进入学校宿舍或学生/非学生不能参加的活动, 把卡借给别人, 或以任何方式更改卡. 信用卡被没收不会影响学生账户上的现金余额.

Student Right-To-Know /Campus Security Act

符合Student Right-To-Know /Campus Security Act的规定, 十大电子游艺网站排行将提供给学生, 教职员工关于关键校园安全问题的信息.

按年计算, the university develops and produces a comprehensive report that contains relevant data on campus safety and security pro-grams and crime statistics. 任何想要这些数据的人都可以从大学警察那里获得一份报告的副本.

Student Travel Procedures


参考德克萨斯州教育法典第5节.第949号和参议院法案. 263.

这些旅行程序适用于从事从校园到组织的活动或事件25英里或更远的距离运送学生的教职员工, 由机构赞助或资助的, 使用本单位所有或经营的车辆, 或者在该机构注册的组织要求的旅行. These travel procedures are considered to be minimum standard; departments may mandate additional procedures.

建议指定一名工作人员和/或教员, 陪同每个学生旅游团. 如果指导老师不能参加学生/学生组的活动, the organization member/ members should be advised on what the expected behavior from each student should be. 所有学校的规章制度必须遵守.

24人及以上的团体可能需要购买商业/包车. 这将在个案基础上进行审查,此类活动的最终决定将由负责学生事务和战略倡议的副校长或其指定人员在与学生组织顾问协商后做出. 包车必须遵守所有州和联邦法律. 24岁以下的团体可以乘坐大学拥有的、租赁的、租用的或私人拥有的汽车.

学生/学生组织旅行, 只有十大电子游艺网站排行的员工才可以驾驶十大电子游艺网站排行的汽车, 租赁, 或租来的, 机动车辆. 十大电子游艺网站排行 students are not covered under the University insurance policy unless they are employed by the University. 任何驾驶大学车辆的员工必须首先向财务副校长和/或其指定人员提供驾驶执照副本,并签署“驾驶记录副本申请”表格. 将运行一个许可证检查,它将反映许可证的状态, 列出过去三年发生的任何交通事故和违章行为

(3)年. 允许员工驾驶大学自有车辆, 租赁, 或租用机动车辆将取决于他们的驾驶记录的结果. 员工的驾驶执照和“驾驶记录副本申请表”必须在员工预计驾驶学校自有车辆的日期前至少两(2)周提交给财务副校长办公室, 租赁, 租来的, 或私人拥有的机动车辆.

因为一旦发生事故,首先考虑的是个人汽车保险, 所有在处理大学事务时使用私人车辆的人士都应了解,使用私家车可能会招致个人责任. No individual shall be required to use his/her personal vehicle to drive to official university sponsored activities. Use of personal vehicles by students to drive to official university sponsored activities is discouraged.

All state and federal laws will be followed when operating a vehicle for students/student organizations official travel. 驾驶员必须遵守所有适用的交通法规. 当车辆行驶时,所有乘员必须使用安全带和其他安全装置. Manufacturer suggested vehicle capacities will be followed when vehicles are used by students/student organizations.


  • 在药物或酒精的影响下开车
  • 使用雷达/激光探测装置
  • 使用耳机或耳机
  • 使用手机
  • 吃东西、抽烟或喝酒

The fatigue of the vehicle operator should be considered at the time of travel and only rested drivers should operate a vehicle.




Organizations that travel frequently are encouraged to have consent for 治疗 forms on file for all travelers.



Individual students who violate this policy and the safe travel rules approved by the university are subject to disciplinary action, 包括暂停. Student organizations that violate this policy and the safe travel rules are subject to disciplinary action, 包括暂停和失去资金.